Кутепова М. М. The World of Chemistry: Английский язык для студентов-химиков ОНЛАЙН

Кутепова М. М. The World of Chemistry: Английский язык для студентов-химиков  ОНЛАЙН

Кутепова М. М. The World of Chemistry: Английский язык для студентов-химиков. — М., 2001. — 272 с.
Учебник "The World of Chemistry" предназначен для студентов химических вузов и факультетов университетов и смежных специальностей, слушателей.специальных курсов по английскому языку данного профиля и специалистов-химиков, самостоятельно повторяющих курс английского языка. Учебник рассчитан на два года обучения и ориентирован на продолжающих изучение английского языка в вузе. Цель учебника — развитие навыков и умений самостоятельного чтения оригинальной литературы по специальности, ведения научной беседы, реферирования и аннотирования, а также написания и презентации стендовых сообщений и докладов, связанных с научными интересами обучаемых.
Preface (Предисловие)..............................................................................5
The First Year
Unit 1. Overview of Chemistry.
Grammar: Revision of Tenses.
Speech Strategy: Clarification. Asking and Answering Questions. Business Correspondence: Filling Forms.................................................10
Unit 2. History of Chemistry.
Grammar: Questions Formation. Speech Strategy: Opinion.
Business Correspondence: CV (Resume) ................................................22
Revision and Development of Units 1 and 2 :..............................................36
Unit 3. Periodic Table and Periodic Law.
Grammar: Sequence of Tenses.
Speech Strategy: Importance and Certainty
Business Correspondence: Letters of Invitation .......................................44
Unit 4. Matter in the Universe.
Grammar: Modal Verbs. Speech Strategy: Surprise. Request.
Business Correspondence: Letters of Content.........................................55
Revision and Development of Units 3 and 4...............................................65
Unit 5. Why is Wfcter So Important?
Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech.
Speech Strategy: Re-asking. Oral and Written Speech.
Business Correspondence: Decline of Invitation Letters..........................73
Revision and Development of Units 1-5....................................................85
Final Examination Paper 1.........................................................................91
The Second Year Unit 6. The Precious Envelope.
Grammar: Infinitive. Gerund. Participle.
Speech Strategy: Interruptions. Agreement/Disagreement.
Business Correspondence: Letters of Regret.........
Unit 7. Organic Chemistry.
Grammar: Complex Object. Complex Subject. Infinitive, Participle and
Gerundial Constructions. Speech Strategy: Comprehension/Incomprehension.
Business Correspondence: Covering Letters..........................................116
Revision and Development of Units 6 and 7.............................................126
Unit 8. The Age of Polymers.
Grammar: Subjunctive Mood, Emphatic Constructions. Suppositional
Mood. Speech Strategy: Persuasion.
Business Correspondence: Letters of Request........................................136
Unit 9. Man and His Environment.
Grammar: Incomplete Clauses with Participle. Emphatic Constructions. Speech Strategy: Gratitude.
Business Coirespondence: Reference Letters........................................147

Revision and Development of Units 8 and 9............................................. 16!

Unit 10. Science and Its Future.

Grammar: Additional Difficulties of English Grammar. Speech Strategy: Proceedings of a Formal Meeting. Business Correspondence: Information Inquiry; Reply to Information Inquiry.........................................................................................168
Revision and Development of Units 6-10................................................183
Final Examination Paper 2.......................................................................195
Grammar Material..............................................................................206
Lexical Material..................................................................................226
Keys to the Exercises............................................................................239
The List of Chemical Elements with Transcription..................................247
How to Read Chemical Formulas and Equations....................................249
Образцы документов.........................................................................250
Recommendations on Business Letter Writing........................................257
Useful Expressions to Be Used in Letters'................................................258
Recommendations for Scientific Report Writing......................................260
Recommendations for an Oral Scientific Report Presentation ..................263
List of References....................................................................................266

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